It's Friday morning, 4 celcius, sunny sky and no wind. As we finish our second cup of coffee, we set out for a walk to take in some fresh air and a stress free way to start the day. This time, instead of walking the road, we take the path that leads to the shore. Usually, after getting a few days of rain, the path floods

around the edges of the ponds and makes it impossible to get through to the shore. The past few days have been beautifully warm and dry, so getting to the shore was achievable.
At the end of the path we get to a brook that runs into the ocean. It's too nice of a day to turn around, so we make our way down the beach. The tide is low, which makes it easy walking.

We walk the beach for about 5-10 minutes then head back. Once in a while, beach glass can be found in the sand and rocks. In this particular area, the beach glass is scarce, but lucky me, I did find two small brown pieces.

As we get back to the path, we have another 10 minutes or so of walking until we get back to the house.