Cabot Trail: Road Trip

Road trip on the Cabot Trail

Fall around the Cabot Trail

The Cabot Trail makes a loop around Cape Breton Island and follows the western and eastern coastlines on the northern tip of the island. The question often asked is which direction is best to view the Cabot Trail, clockwise or counter-clockwise?  I have done the drive countless times, in the summer, fall and winter. If you ask me, I’d say that either way you decide to drive around the Trail will be spectacular and will definitely be an awe-inspiring trip.  When travelling in a clockwise direction, the view of the road seen ahead Road trip Cabot Trail - Rusty Anchorwill somewhat be different than the view of the road while travelling counter-clockwise. Stopping at the look-offs is a good idea, as it give you the chance to get out and admire the view in every direction. I believe that everyone should do the drive once in the clockwise direction and again in the counter-clockwise direction and this way nothing is missed. At least two days (or more) might be best to enjoy all that the Cabot Trail has to offer.

Road trip Cabot Trail - Road signThis year, on our road trip, we started off on Route 19 in Port Hastings and driving up the west coast of Cape Breton through Creignish, Judique, Port Hood, Mabou, Inverness and connecting to the Cabot Trail in Margaree Forks. Making a left turn we followed the Margaree River and headed west to Cheticamp and north to the entrance to the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Doing the Cabot Trail in a clockwise direction is what I prefer myself, it seems like a natural way to travel, more like going with the grain. Like I mentioned above, we stopped at most look-offs to take in the breathtaking scenery and give the car’s brakes a chance to cool off at the same time. Road trip Cabot Trail - Cape SmokeyOnce around to the other side of the Cabot Trail passing through Ingonish, snake up and down Cape Smokey,  ended up taking a small ferry that took us across St Ann’s Harbour to Englishtown. The plan was to go around St Ann’s Harbour, but somehow we missed the turnoff where the Cabot Trail continues on around St Ann’s Harbour to St Ann’s then onto the Trans Canada Highway. Missing this turnoff, the road takes you to the Englishtown Ferry. Again, whichever way taken is scenic and worthwhile doing at least once…